Welcome to St. Patrick's Parish
St. Patrick's Angels Camp - St. Patrick's Murphys - Our Lady of the Sierra - St. Ignatius Church
Parish Events
9/14- Diocesan Respect Life Gathering
9/15- Bishop Cotta's visit to OLS
9/16- St. Vincent dePaul Mtg- 5:30pm- AC
9/18- Altar Society Mtg.- 5pm- Library
- Faith Formation Kick-off Mass and Family Mtg- 6pm
9/20- OLS WC- Hall- Nativity Tea Mtg- 9am
9/21- Diocesan Tribunal Aid Training
9/22- ICF Mtg.- 11:30am- Hall
9/23- Preschool Mtgs.- 6pm
9/26- OLS Men's Club Mtg.- 6pm
9/28- Diocesan Tribunal Aid Training
9/15- Bishop Cotta's visit to OLS
9/16- St. Vincent dePaul Mtg- 5:30pm- AC
9/18- Altar Society Mtg.- 5pm- Library
- Faith Formation Kick-off Mass and Family Mtg- 6pm
9/20- OLS WC- Hall- Nativity Tea Mtg- 9am
9/21- Diocesan Tribunal Aid Training
9/22- ICF Mtg.- 11:30am- Hall
9/23- Preschool Mtgs.- 6pm
9/26- OLS Men's Club Mtg.- 6pm
9/28- Diocesan Tribunal Aid Training
About us.
St. Patrick's Parish is a worshipping community centered on the Eucharistic Lord, seeking to follow Christ's call to holiness, and proclaiming the truths of the Catholic faith.