Welcome to St. Patrick's Parish
St. Patrick's Angels Camp - St. Patrick's Murphys - Our Lady of the Sierra - St. Ignatius Church
Parish Events
* Our Spanish Prayer Group meets on Wednesdays at 6pm
11/6- Liturgy Board Mtg- CANCELLED (will reschedule soon)
- Confirmation Class- 6pm
11/8- Family Holy Hour Adoration- 5:30pm
11/9- OLS Women's Club's 14th Annual Nativity Tea- 1pm- OLS Hall
- Spanish Family of Faith Mtg- 5:30pm
11/10- Nativity Creche Viewing- OLS
11/11- Veteran's Day- Office Closed
- Calaveras Catholics Young Adult Hike in Yosemite (See Flyer Below)
11/14- Murphys Parish Club Mtg.- 10am
- Parish Council Mtg- 6pm- Hall
11/17- Calaveras Catholics Youth Group at St. Patrick's- 3pm- Hall
11/18- Preschool Mtgs.- 6pm
11/19- Finance Council Mtg- 5pm- Office
- Altar Society Mtg.- 5pm- Library
11/20- Family of Faith Mtg- 6pm
11/23- Spanish Family of Faith Mtg.- 5:30pm
11/24- ICF Mtg- 11:30am- Hall
11/28- Thanksgiving- Office Closed
11/6- Liturgy Board Mtg- CANCELLED (will reschedule soon)
- Confirmation Class- 6pm
11/8- Family Holy Hour Adoration- 5:30pm
11/9- OLS Women's Club's 14th Annual Nativity Tea- 1pm- OLS Hall
- Spanish Family of Faith Mtg- 5:30pm
11/10- Nativity Creche Viewing- OLS
11/11- Veteran's Day- Office Closed
- Calaveras Catholics Young Adult Hike in Yosemite (See Flyer Below)
11/14- Murphys Parish Club Mtg.- 10am
- Parish Council Mtg- 6pm- Hall
11/17- Calaveras Catholics Youth Group at St. Patrick's- 3pm- Hall
11/18- Preschool Mtgs.- 6pm
11/19- Finance Council Mtg- 5pm- Office
- Altar Society Mtg.- 5pm- Library
11/20- Family of Faith Mtg- 6pm
11/23- Spanish Family of Faith Mtg.- 5:30pm
11/24- ICF Mtg- 11:30am- Hall
11/28- Thanksgiving- Office Closed
About us.
St. Patrick's Parish is a worshipping community centered on the Eucharistic Lord, seeking to follow Christ's call to holiness, and proclaiming the truths of the Catholic faith.